I'm seeking a timely appointment with a specialist and will be paying cash and/or using private
Monthly Income
Income from Employment (after taxes)
Income from Operating Business
Interest & Dividends
Real Estate and Property Income
Social Security Benefit Income
Disability Income
Alimony, Child Support Income
Total Monthly Income
Please indicate your means of support?
Monthly Expenses
Rent or mortgage payment *
Automobile payment *
Credit Card Payment *
Insurance Payment *
Groceries, Household Expenses, Utilities *
Tuition Payment *
Total Monthly Expenses
Credit Card Debt
How many credit cards do you have with an open balance? *
Please list the balance owed for each card.
Personal Debt
How many open personal loans have you obtained from family/friends? *
Please list the balance owed.
Total number of people in your household (including yourself) *
Do you own your home? *
How many vehicles do you own/finance? *
Lease? *